Privacy Policy & Cookies

  • Privacy Policy

Rosetti Marino wants you to feel secure visiting its own website. Your personal data are safe with our company.

During web navigation our information systems collect and store automatically some information that are implied in the Internet communication protocols. These data are tracked to offer the best possible experience thanks to the optimization of user’s needs and requests.

IP Addressdomain’s namefeedbacks and timetables as to user’s actions on the website, as well as other parameters are examples of the data that fall in this particular category.

There is no need to worry. Rosetti Marino uses the information to extract anonymous statistics about the use and the proper functioning of its own website.​


Cookies are small text files that websites send to users’ terminals – desktop, notebook or mobile device – to improve the navigation experience and to optimize the following visits on the same site.

Rosetti Marino uses 2 kind of cookies:

  • Technical Cookies: ​these cookies assure proper functioning and fruition fo the website, by saving data related to users’ web navigation.
  • Analytics Cookies: ​this kind of files is set by third parties – such as Google Analytics – that are probably owners of elements (images, sounds, links, etc.) uploaded on the site. Rosetti Marino allows the storage of anonymous information to realize reports regarding navigation on the website.